Turbo-charge Your Operating Room

Improve O.R. efficiency and reduce peri-operative costs through real-time staff management and data analytics

We help you improve efficiency and

reduce costs in your peri-operative environment


Our display boards and messaging systems reach out to your staff, keepng them updated on O.R. workflow. Finally, one source of truth, fed with decision making information in real-time!

Cost Savings

Our staffing and case status solutions provide managers with real-time data to dynamically optimize case load and staffing decisions. Improve O.R. utilization and reduce staff overtime costs!


Our dashboards provide staff in charge with minute-to-minute O.R. metrics as well as historical data, allowing real-time workflow optimization as well as informing future staffing decisions. Reduce cost per case as you go – with just a few clicks!

Our Products

Our suite of web based O.R. efficiency applications work stand-alone or integrated into existing EMR / scheduling systems, empowering your organization to manage a complex perioperative environment.


  • Effectively coordinate large numbers of O.R.’s in real-time.
  • Dynamically assign physicians and nurses with one click on the electronic dashboard and communicate changes to staff in real-time.
  • Get instant input from O.R. teams to make case and staffing assignment decisions.
  • Reduce over-time and optimize patient throughput by maximizing O.R. utilization and staffing of available personnel.


  • Communicate mission critical information directly to all peri-operative areas, leading to a decrease in turnover times and increase of patient & staff satisfaction.
  • Push assignments and O.R. status to screens and mobile devices in real-time.
  • Enable smooth clinical coordination and case preparation through smart patient tracking and critical checkpoint notifications.


  • Real-time dashboard integrated into opStaffing that shows current O.R. state and points out potential trouble areas.
  • Customizable historical dashboards for analysis of O.R. volume / utilization and O.R. efficiency, allowing identification of problem areas and better matching of staff to case workload.
  • Report staff work times and calls / shifts, allowing optimization of shift assignments and reduction in overtime staff utilization.


  • Communicate mission critical information directly to all peri-operative areas, leading to a decrease in turnover times and increase of patient & staff satisfaction.
  • Push assignments and O.R. status to screens and mobile devices in real-time.
  • Enable smooth clinical coordination and case preparation through smart patient tracking and critical checkpoint notifications.

Our Customers & Their Stories

Department of Anesthesiology

Case Study

Department of Perioperative Nursing

Case Study

Salzburger Landeskliniken

Case Study

“Nursing leadership has easy access to staff assignments from various locations, even outside the O.R.”

Program Director

Perioperative Nursing Informatics Academic Medical Institution

“With opStaffing, we can look back at historical case data to help improve our future staffing efficiency.”

Sunny Eappen, MD​

Chairman, Dept of Anesthesiology, Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary

Perioperative Nursing Informatics Academic Medical Institution

“The opflo suite of applications has dramatically improved communication surrounding staffing assignments because everyone is looking at one true source. No more conflicting paper assignments!”

Peter Gerner, MD

Chairman, Dept of Anesthesiology, Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK)

Our products help healthcare organizations effectively manage case load and scarce staff resources.
Proven results with proven savings

$1.35 million

overtime saved

1.2+ million

surgeries optimized

88 hours

staff relieved earlier annually


Simple pricing, extensive savings, and a cost-reduction guarantee. Essential for clinics and departments with 10.000+ cases per year.

for first 20 000 cases per year


for the next 10 000 cases per year


for additional cases per year

For reknowned research institutions, we provide grants to evaluate the performance of our software and to publish articles on staff management and workflow optimization.

copyright ©2004-2024 opflo, llc All rights reserved

Tel: +1 (617) 306-9220
opflo, llc
91 Kinnaird St
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

opflo is a healthcare software development firm specializing in software solutions to improve peri-operative efficiency for hospitals, achieving cost savings and improved efficiency for our clients utilizing proven data driven approaches.

opflo takes privacy and data protection seriously. Please visit our Privacy Policies page for more information.