Welcome to the opflo suite 2018.1!

We’re excited to release our next major update for opflo suite! Thanks to your feedback, we’ve released the following features and enhancements:

  • Dashboards provide you immediate insight to O.R. and staffing utilization metrics. Customize filters such as surgical service, O.R. groups, procedure type, date range, and more, in real time and without technical help.
  • New staffing reports and work calendars make sure no staff member is inadvertantly left off the schedule and each user can view their daily assignment, call schedule, and sign out times.
  • Carbon copy paging allows you notify multiple people of staffing and case changes at one time. Actionable notifications combine decision support that keep managers informed of schedule changes and upcoming workflow bottlenecks with one click communication to affected parties.
  • Epic EMR interface now imports Surgery-Anesthesia-Nursing (SAN) ready times and a new QGenda staff scheduling interface imports call / shift and daily assignment information hourly.


Immediate and customizable insights into O.R. and staffing metrics.  

Determine the number of extra staff needed, at the beginning of the day

Near real-time O.R. utilization statistics provide you information on # of cases expected to be in progress versus # allowed hour by hour, so you can determine number of extra over-time staff needed ahead of time.

Relieve hard working staff earlier

Staff utilization statistics show you average number of times and number of minutes each staff member still in hospital has stayed over the last few months. Instant access to these data via the main opStaffing tool allows you to prioritize staff relief in a more equitable manner.

Keep KPIs current and at your fingertips

Historical O.R. performance dashboards provide you insight into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including prime time O.R. utilization, accurate case scheduling, first case starts, turnover and other case times, and more. All customizable without technical help and immediately available.

Trend staffing hours and costs over time

Historical staff utilization dashboards provide you insight into how late non-call staff are staying, utilization of various call types, and number of staff per day versus number of anesthetizing locations.

Staff assignment report & work calendars

Never lose a staff member again.  

Staff assignments

View where every staff member is scheduled for the day, whether that is the main O.R., outside rotations, or vacation.

Work calendars

Each staff member can immediately see all past and future daily work assignments, including times for which they were signed out.

Enhanced communication & decision support  

Carbon Copy notifications

Notify multiple people of staffing and case changes at one time. Just press the “P” button for additional people and they will be cc’ed on the primary message.

Actionable notifications

Decision support notifications inform you of O.R. changes, late running cases, upcoming cases with incomplete paperwork. Now notifications are actionable, allowing you to notify relevant staff with one click.

Improved integration

Less double documentation and easier access to information.


Epic EMR

Pull more data from Epic into ORRMS and dashboards.

QGenda staff scheduling

Improved staffing interface that imports QGenda call/shift and daily assignment data hourly.